Cardiologia Croatica u svom jesenskom dvobroju (rujan-listopad) na 32 stranice ponovno donosi nekoliko zanimljivih članaka. Broj započinje uvodnikom o prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti, nakon kojeg pročitajte pregledni članak o mogućnostima smanjenja rizika pobola i smrtnosti na svim razinama.
Slijedi pregledni članak o povezanosti primjene vitamina C na pojavnost vaskularnih komplikacija u dijabetičara, a potom pregledni članak o smjernicama Europskog kardiološkog društva (ESC) za perifernu arterijsku bolest donjih ekstremiteta.
Nakon najave velikih kardioloških događaja u Hrvatskoj, časopis završava sponzoriranim člankom tvrtke Krka-Farma d.o.o., čija je tema primjena fiksne kombinacije perindoprila i amlodipina kod bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom i koronarnom bolesti srca.
U dijelu časopisa koji je dostupan samo na mrežnim stranicama, kao rezultat aktivnosti Mreže urednika nacionalnih kardioloških časopisa ESC pogledajte, proučite i preuzmite zapise najvažnijih prezentacija s godišnjeg kongresa ESC (Munich, 8/2012.).
Urednički odbor Cardiologia Croatica
Naslovnica / Cover
stranica / page 229.
Sadržaj / Table of Contents
stranica / page 230.
Verica Kralj.
Kardiovaskulrne bolesti – veličina problema i mogućnosti prevencije.
Cardiovascular diseases – magnitude of problem and possibilities of prevention.
stranica / page 231-233.
Željko Reiner.
Što se može poduzeti na razini pučanstva da se smanji rizik za kardiovaskularne bolesti?
Actions to be taken at the level of the population to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases?
stranica / page 234-239.
Saša Magaš.
Utječe li uporaba vitamina C na razvoj vaskularnih komplikacija u pacijenata s dijabetesom?
Does the use of vitamin C affect the development of vascular complicatins in patients with diabetes?
stranica / page 240-248.
Majda Vrkić Kirhmajer, Ljiljana Banfić.
Periferna arterijska bolest donjih ekstremiteta – osvrt na smjernice Europskog kardiološkog društva.
Peripheral artery disease of lower extremities – review of the European Society of Cardiology guidelines.
stranica / page 249-254.
Stranica sponzora / Sponsor’s page
Veronika Ljevar, Polona Knavs-Vrhunec, Breda Barbič-Žagar.
Fiksna kombinacija perindoprila i amlodipina – optimalno liječenje arterijske hipertenzije i koronarne bolesti srca.
Fixed combination perindopril-amlodipine – optimised treatment in hypertension and coronary artery disease.
stranica / page 256-259.
Samo u mrežnom izdanju / Web-only
Prezentacije s kongresa Europskog kardiološkog društva 2012. godine
European Society of Cardiology Congress Presentations 2012
Hot Line I: Late Breaking Trials on Prevention to Heart Failure
James Min.
DeFACTO: Determination of Fractional Flow Reserve by Anatomic Computed Tomographic Angiography.
stranica / page e1-1.
Raffaele De Caterina.
Discussant: TRILOGY-ACS: Prasugrel versus clopidodrel for patients with Unstable Angina/NSTEMI who are medically managed without revascularization.
stranica / page e1-2.
Scott Solomon.
PARAMOUNT: Efficacy and Safety of LCZ696, a First-in-Class Angiotensin Receptor Neprilysin Inhibitor, in Patients with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction: Primary Results from the PARAMOUNT Study.
stranica / page e1-3.
Hot Line II: Late Breaking Trials on Interventions
Holger Thiele.
IABP-SHOCK II: Randomized comparison of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation versus optimal medical therapy in addition to early revascularization in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock.
stranica / page e2-1.
Uta C Hoppe.
Discussant: IABP-SHOCK II: Randomized comparison of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation versus optimal medical therapy in addition to early revascularization in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock.
stranica / page e2-2.
Wolfgang Schillinger.
ACCESS-EUROPE – An Observational Study of the MitraClip® System in Europe.
stranica / page e2-3.
Simon Ray.
Discussant: ACCESS-EUROPE – An Observational Study of the MitraClip® System in Europe.
stranica / page e2-4.
Fillipo Crea.
Discussant: FAST-MI programme: Decrease in early mortality in STEMI is related to changing patient profile and behavior, as well as improved organization of care: Data from 4 French nationwide surveys over 15 years.
stranica / page e2-5.
Hot Line III: Late Breaking Trials on Arrhythmias and CAD
Petr Widimsky.
PRAGUE-12: Randomized open multicenter study comparing cardiac surgery with MAZE versus cardiac surgery without MAZE in patients with coronary and/or valvular heart disease and with atrial fibrillation.
stranica / page e3-1.
Willem Dewilde.
WOEST: First randomised trial that compares two different regimens with and without aspirin in patients on oral anticoagulant therapy (OAC) undergoing coronary stent placement (PCI).
stranica / page e3-2.
Hiroaki Shimokawa.
The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster and Cardiovascular Diseases.
stranica / page e3-3.
Gerald Maurer.
Discussant: CORE320: Diagnostic Performance of Combined Noninvasive Coronary Angiography and Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using 320-row Detector Computed Tomography : The CORE320 Multicenter, Multinational Study.
stranica / page e3-4.
Clinical Trial & Registry Update I: Updates on Prevention and Markers
Michael Boehm.
PRoFESS: Impact of resting heart rates on recurrent stroke, cardiovascular outcomes, disability and cognitive decline in 20.165 patients after ischemic stroke.
stranica / page e4-1.
Ulf Landmesser.
Discussant: HPS2-THRIVE: Treatment of HDL to Reduce the Incidence of Vascular Events.
stranica / page e4-2.
Benjamin Morgan Scirica.
TRA 2°P-TIMI 50 Trial : Vorapaxar for Secondary Prevention after Myocardial Infarction.
stranica / page e4-3.
Clinical Trial & Registry Update II: Updates on Heart Failure and Coronary Artery Disease
Jeffrey Stephen Borer.
SHIFT: Reduction in hospitalization for worsening of heart failure with ivabradine in patients with chronic systolic heart failure in the SHIFT trial.
stranica / page e5-1.
Cecilia Linde.
REVERSE study: CRT produces long-term improvements in disease progression in mildly symptomatic heart failure patients. Five-year results from the REsynchronization reVErses Remodeling in Systolic left vEntricular dysfunction study.
stranica / page e5-2.
Claudio Rapezzi.
THAOS: Transthyretin Amyloidosis Outcomes Survey: an international Registry.
stranica / page e5-3.
Philippe Charron.
Discussant: THAOS: Transthyretin Amyloidosis Outcomes Survey: an international Registry.
stranica / page e5-4.
Roger Hall.
CARDia: Coronary Artery Revascularisation in Diabetes trial.
stranica / page e5-5.
Clinical Trial & Registry Update III: Updates on Atrial Fibrillation and Valves
Guillaume Pare.
RELY- Genetics: Genetic determinants of dabigatran plasma levels and their relation to clinical response.
stranica / page e6-1.
Stefan H Hohnloser.
ARISTOTLE: Efficacy of apixaban as compared with warfarin in relation to renal function in patients with atrial fibrillation – Insights from the ARISTOTLE Trial.
stranica / page e6-2.
Keith Fox.
Discussant: ARISTOTLE: Efficacy of apixaban as compared with warfarin in relation to renal function in patients with atrial fibrillation – Insights from the ARISTOTLE Trial.
stranica / page e6-3.
Martine Gilard.
FRANCE 2: French Transcatheter Aortic Valve Intervention Registry: FRANCE 2.
stranica / page e6-4.
Basic and Translational Science Hot Line
Manuel Mayr.
Prospective Study on Circulating MicroRNAs and Risk of Myocardial Infarction.
stranica / page e7-1.
Lars Maegdefessel.
MicroRNA-24 controls abdominal aortic aneurysm development through regulation of YKL-40.
stranica / page e7-2.
Reiner Boon.
MicroRNA-34a is a pivotal age-induced regulator of cardiac apoptosis, telomere maintenance and contractile function: Implications for therapeutic inhibition.
stranica / page e7-3.
Hrvoje Vražić, Mijo Bergovec, Mario Ivanuša.
Smjernice Europskoga kardiološkog društva prevedene od članova Hrvatskoga kardiološkog društva (1999-2012) [poster].
European Society of Cardiology Guidelines translated by members of Croatian Cardiac Society (1999-2012) [poster].
stranica / page e8.